The Subordinates tab on the Profile screen enables users to monitor their subordinates.
Note: Users are able to view all tabs in their own Profile. When viewing another user's profile; AFIMSC/AFAFO Admins can access the Subordinates tab for users AF wide at their level and below. Base Finance members can access the Subordinates tab for other users within their Base at their level and below. CSS Admin/Authorization members can access the Subordinates tab for other users within their CSS at their level and below. AF Admins have access to all tabs for all users AF wide. All other members will not have visibility to the Subordinates tab when viewing another user's profile.
Review the following information:
Last - Lists the Last name of the subordinate.
First - Lists the First name of the subordinate.
MAJCOM - Lists the MAJCOM of the subordinate.
Base - Lists the Base of the subordinate.
CSS - Lists the CSS of the subordinate.
Unit - Lists the Unit of the subordinate.
Balance - Lists the leave Balance of the subordinate.
ETS - Lists the Estimated Time of Separation (ETS) of the subordinate.
Use/Lose - Lists the Use/Lose balance of the subordinate.
Click theView icon in the View column to edit or review subordinate information.