Users with the CSS Admin/Authorize role can authorize, deny, or cancel leave requests that have been submitted by LeaveWeb members and approved by their supervisors.
A Commander reporting directly to the Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, or Assistant Vice Chief of Staff can auto-approve/authorize their own type Ordinary leave requests, if an AF Admin has updated the Commander’s profile to enable this functionality. Requests for updates to member profiles should be sent to the LeaveWeb Help Desk.
LeaveWeb will send the user an automated email if there are leave requests in their Authorize Leave Inbox that are awaiting attention. Users should make it a practice to log into LeaveWeb and check their Authorize Leave Inbox on a daily basis to ensure that they move leave requests through the process as efficiently as possible.
The Authorize Leave Inbox screen can be accessed by selecting Authorize Leave in the sidebar. This screen lists all approved leave requests that are awaiting authorization. It shows when the leave request was entered, who submitted the leave request, user's unit, and information about the leave, such as the first and last day, the number of days, and the type of leave.
Note: Base Admin/Finance users can authorize, deny, or cancel leave requests types of (TL) Special Leaves and (AL) Travel Generated Leaves. When a specific leave request is viewed, they will see the SB01 or SB03 date information, and when applicable, the SB06 information.
Click Authorize Leave in the sidebar to access the Authorize Leave Inbox.
Click one of the following:
Authorize Leave: Authorizes the leave, assigns a leave number, and documents the authorization in the Request History Panel. The requesting member can now take leave.
Deny Leave: Denies the leave request. If denied, the user is required to enter Remarks stating why the request was denied.
Cancel Leave: Cancels the leave request and permanently deletes all attachments. If cancelled, the user is required to enter Remarks stating why the request was cancelled.